Either you're reading this “Don’t Read Me!” because:
a. You fell for the ol’ reverse-psychology trick;
b. You're one of those persons who Curiosity would kill if you were a cat;
c. You're a “double-clicking maniac”; or
d. All of the above.
This “Don't Read Me!” was created using SimpleText (the modernized version of TeachText). If you use SimpleText, you will find this document more colorful and readable; however, if you don't have SimpleText you can use TeachText—it's your choice. Also, you should have the following fonts installed: Chicago, Geneva, and Monaco. Hey, I spent a lot of time writing this “Don't Read Me!”, so keep reading!
In total, there are over 500 Hot Icons to satisfy your icon addiction. The collections and contributors are as follows:
Creatures of Happiness . . . SlickHick Inc.
The Simpsons . . . . . . . . Jeanette Foshee
Wacky Fruits . . . . . . . . SlickHick Inc.
The Far Side Collection . . Ronald A. Watson
Holicons ß . . . . . . . . . SlickHick Inc.
NFL Helmets . . . . . . . . Jim Taylor
Logos etc. . . . . . . . . . SlickHick Inc.
NBA Logos . . . . . . . . . Spencer Cherry
Manilla's . . . . . . . . . SlickHick Inc.
MLB Logos . . . . . . . . . Mike McGee
Windoze . . . . . . . . . . SlickHick Inc.
NHL Icons . . . . . . . . . Masataka
If you have a series of icons you would like to submit for distribution under Hot Icons, e-mail me at “SlickHick” on America Online or at “SlickHick@aol.com” on the internet.
• How to use Cool Icons/Hot Icons
With System 7 you don't need any special software (hasta la vista ResEdit) to customize your icons, just patience. It works for all icons: documents, folders, applications, and even disk icons. If you already know how to interchange icons you can skip this section, but you should read the rest of this “Don't Read Me!” just to prove you are literate.
1. Select the icon you want to use by clicking once on the icon.
2. From the File menu select Get Info. (-I)
3. Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the "Get Info" window; a box
will appear around the selected icon.
4. From the Edit menu select Copy. (-C)
5. Click on the close box of the "Get Info" window to close it.
6. Select the icon you want to replace by clicking once on the icon.
7. From the File menu select Get Info. (-I)
8. Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the "Get Info" window; a box
will appear around the selected icon.
9. From the Edit menu select Paste. (-V)
10. Finally, click on the close box of the "Get Info" window.
That’s all there is to it! If for some insane reason you want to revert to the default icon you merely select Clear from the Edit menu after having boxed the customized icon within the "Get Info" window.
Cool Icons & Hot Icons also make great clip art in letters, especially if you have a color printer.
• Mini-ReadMe's
Each icon is attached to either an empty folder or a mini-ReadMe. The mini-ReadMe's contain interesting bits of information, facts, or quotes. To view them, simply double-click on the icon and a SimpleText/TeachText document will appear (almost like magic). You may have noticed some of the icon names have symbols attached to the end of the name—here is what these symbols mean:
I have provided this information to help you avoid wasting time double-clicking the icons attached to empty folders.
• The Icon Addiction
If you like Cool Icons/Hot Icons please share them with a friend and a stranger. If you like these then I'm sure you'll like some of my other icon collections. If you would like a copy of some of my other works, then you should order The Disk. Hey, how did this commercial slip in here? The Disk is a disk with all of my icon collections and I have now given you several options to acquire it:
-The dirt-cheap method If you're content with the icons you downloaded and would like to just ease your conscience (yah right!), you can simply send a single $1 bill to the address below and I will add you to my list of registered users. Please include a note telling me what you thought of the icons and which icon set (name and version) you downloaded. In return, I will either e-mail you or send a postcard to inform you about any other icons I have made (assuming you give me your address)—sorry no disk.
-The cheap method If you “need” The Disk, but are short on cash this method was designed for you. By doing some of the time-consuming work you get a terrific discount. Send a self-stamped self-addressed disk-mailer, a formatted high-density disk, and $3 (cash or check—payable to: Mark A. Archuleta) to the address below.
-The convenient method If money is no object, then you may prefer this payment plan. Simply stuff $5 (cash or check—payable to: Mark A. Archuleta) and your address in an envelope and indicate that you would like The Disk. Send your stuffed envelope to the address below.
-Guaranteed Express Delivery If you start suffering withdrawal symptoms and need the icons as soon as possible add $1 and I will rush them to you. That is, I will send them out within 24 hours from when I receive payment; otherwise it will take about two to four weeks. If I don't get them out within 24 hours, I will refund your dollar.
• The Shareware Fee
A sad fact you should be aware of: A greater percentage of Windows users pay their shareware fees than do Mac users. Help support Macintosh shareware.
The money I make from my icons will be used to support the work of other freeware and shareware authors. Therefore, when you support me you're really supporting others. If you are interested in what items I have supported and will support in the future, please feel free to e-mail me.
I highly doubt that any of the Hot Icons contributors would strongly object if a small donation (for their time and effort of creating the icons, of course) just magically appeared in their mailbox.
For more info about the shareware fee for The Disk, see the following sections: Thanks! and Legal Stuff.
• The Address Below
Mark A. Archuleta
SlickHick Inc.
2620 Ellsworth Ave.
Omaha, NE 68123-1777
Note: This address will probably change approximately every three years; therefore, if the version you downloaded is more than three years old you may want to send an e-mail message or postcard before sending cash to find out if I'm still at this address.
• What Do You Get For Purchasing The Disk?
Here's what you get:
1. Cool Icons;
2. Hot Icons;
3. Holicons;
4. Rejects; and
All together there are over 600 awesome icons for your enjoyment.
• Do Unto Others...
If you like Cool Icons and/or Hot Icons, I would love to hear from you; my e-mail address is “SlickHick” on America Online or “SlickHick@aol.com” on the internet. Even if you didn't like the icons, I would at least like to know how far my icons have traveled. If you don't have e-mail access, then send a postcard to the “address below” (which is actually above, now). If I receive a positive response, I will work harder to finish and upload future volumes of Cool Icons and Hot Icons.
• I Take Requests
If you have any ideas for an icon or would like me to custom-design one especially for you, let me know. Likewise if you have any ideas for a mini-ReadMe, I'd like to hear those too. Lastly, if you would like me to play a song for that special someone, let me know; however, I highly doubt that you or that special someone will hear it. C’mon what do you think this is, a radio station?
• You're Still Reading?
If you're still reading, then you should take a quick break and do some eye exercises before reading further. I wouldn't want to be responsible if you go blind from staring at the monitor too long.
• Thanks!
Thanks to those who have purchased The Disk—I really appreciate your support. As a sidenote, the shareware fee is for my time and effort involved in creating the icons not for the icons themselves. Also, all the money I make from my icons goes to support other freeware and shareware authors. Again, thank you for taking the time to read this.
• Cool Icons HiStory
Did you know that the word "history" is derived from the words "His story?" And now some history... Though Cool Icons was created in 1992, I'm only up to volume four. There are several reasons for such slow progress:
1. I put a great amount of effort and time into producing high quality icons.
2. Though I've received a tremendous response to my icons,
I've decided to keep my day job.
3. With the creation of Hot Icons, I shifted some of my icons from Cool to Hot status.
3/2/92 - Created Cool Icons.
?/?/?? - I've worked on improving the antialiasing and masks of several of the icons.
Sorry, I'm not that good at maintaining a history; but who reads software
histories anyway?
8/6/94 - Updated the “Don't Read Me” and changed the format to SimpleText.
3/4/95 - Combined the Cool Icons and Hot Icons “Don't Read Me's.”
• Hot Icons HiStory
05/08/93 - Created Hot Icons.
??/??/?? - Worked on improving the antialiasing and masks of several of the icons.
Sorry, I'm not that good at maintaining a history; but who reads software
histories anyway?
??/??/?? - Hot Icons (v1.0) had 754 downloads (from AOL).
08/11/94 - Updated the “Don't Read Me” and changed the format to SimpleText.
12/19/94 - Hot Icons (v1.1) had 423 downloads (from AOL).
01/01/95 - Updated the Read Me and released Hot Icons (v2.0).
03/04/95 - Combined the Cool Icons and Hot Icons “Don't Read Me's.”
03/24/95 - Uploaded Hot Icons to the info-mac archive site on the internet.
• Legal Stuff
All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Cool Icons and Hot Icons are shareware and freeware, respectively. These icons may be freely copied and distributed, provided this document is included with it. These icons may not however, be sold or distributed for profit (except by the copyright holder, I imagine) without my authorization.
The shareware fee is NOT payment for the icons, but rather for the time and effort to create them and in some cases for shipping costs. Furthermore, Hot Icons or any icons which contain potential copyright violations, are included with The Disk absolutely free! In other words, I would prefer to not get sued for selling icons which have a copyright (or registered trademark, etc); therefore, I am selling my “time and effort”. If I have violated anyone's copyrights, trademarks, etc. please notify me and I will resolve the matter immediately by removing the icon(s) in questions from distribution. Use Cool Icons/Hot Icons at your own risk; they have been known to be extremely addictive.